Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Iranian Scholars: Two Paths Converge at Shared Belief in Falun Dafa

April 06, 2015 | By Minghui correspondent Wang Mei
(Minghui.org) Mahnaz and Mohammad Esmaeili, an Iranian couple now living in Vancouver, Canada, met each other at a Falun Dafa activity. “Mohammad said to me, ‘I’m not going to get married this life.’ I responded, ‘No one would want to marry you, don’t worry.’” Mahnaz recalled with a smile, “Yet we fell in love and got married two years later.”
Iranian scholars Mahnaz and Mohammad Esmaeili

Two Paths Converged at Shared Beliefs

Different paths led these two scholars to start practicing cultivation in Falun Dafa.
Mahnaz was teaching at Semnan University in Iran after completing her Ph.D. in psychology. Yet academic success didn’t bring her happiness. “I wasn’t able to solve my own psychological problems even though it is my field,” Mahnaz recalled. “I was constantly in anxiety. The anxiety caused me to have stomach and kidney problems. A car accident 20 years ago added back pain to my list of problems. I was often unhappy.”
“I hoped that something would save me someday.”
Mahnaz learned about Falun Dafa through a friend. They went to watch the nine-day Falun Dafa lecture video series in 2003. Practitioners from Sweden visited Iran a few times during 2002 and 2003 to introduce Falun Dafa.
The video lecture was in English. Mahnaz didn’t understand English back then. However, she was impressed by the energy field—it was strong and comfortable. Her back pain was significantly reduced. She realized that the practice was very powerful. She soon got a copy of the Persian version of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, and began practicing cultivation.
Mohammad is a process management scholar. He said, “People thought I was successful, but I wasn’t happy.” He, too, was troubled by stomach problems and shoulder pain and resorted to smoking and drinking to ease his suffering. He went to Turkey and hoped to find a way to go to Europe, but didn’t succeed.
After he retuned from Turkey, Mohammad was in low spirits. His colleague gave him a copy of the Persian version of Falun Gong, Falun Dafa’s introductory book. Falun Gong is another name for Falun Dafa. He finished reading the book in one day and was happy to have found Falun Dafa, especially the tenets of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
“I’ve obtained answers to a lot of my questions in life,” Mohammad said.
He quit smoking and drinking in a week. “I didn’t even know when my pain and diseases disappeared! One day, I suddenly realized that I was pain free! I also became lighthearted.”
Mahnaz Esmaeili introducing Falun Dafa at an international conference
Mohammad Esmaeili doing the Falun Dafa meditation outdoors

Better Relations with Others

Mahnaz attributed her different state of mind to her Falun Dafa cultivation, “I’m peaceful and able to forgive those who wronged me. I am no longer angry at them. I sincerely hope to help them because I feel their pain.”
Applying the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance was difficult at first. Mahnaz works in a very competitive environment. Professors compete for research topics and students. They often get into arguments during thesis evaluations.
“Many students want to study under me. Other professors weren’t happy about that. Some even ignored me when I greeted them. Our relations were once quite tense,” Mahnaz recalled.
“I often thought others were to blame for my problems. I thought I was right. After practicing Falun Dafa, I started looking within and realized that I had much to improve on my end. I still greeted my colleagues warmly, gave them my sincere compliments, and was able to improve my work relations. A colleague who used to be in a ‘cold war’ with me became a good friend of mine in the end.”
Mohammad had similar experiences, “I used to think that I was better than others based on my intelligence. I was attached to my skills. However, I understood the principle of looking inward and reevaluated my past success. I learned to be more down to earth and gained more trust from my friends and colleagues.”

Relaying the Truth

Ever since he learned about the persecution in China, Mohammad has made it his mission to clarify the truth. He raises awareness about how Chinese Communist propaganda has misled Chinese and people around the world and prevented them from knowing what Falun Dafa is. Due to economic relations between Iran and China, a lot of Iranians don’t know about the severe human rights violations in China, nor the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners.
Mohammad told his friends, colleagues, and local media about the persecution, especially about how Falun Dafa practitioners detained in China are subjected to state-sanctioned organ harvesting.
Mahnaz, with other practitioners’ help, translated Bloody Harvest, a book by Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas and former Canadian Secretary of State David Kilgour on the subject of organ harvesting, into Persian. The first print was published in 2012 and sold out.
Mahnaz made a presentation about forced organ harvesting at an international human rights conference in Tehran in November 2012. The issue was reported by local media and had a notable impact on the public.

Moving to Canada

Practicing Falun Dafa has also sparked the Esmaeili’s interest in Chinese culture. They felt close to Chinese people and the culture, so they had the idea to move to a place where they can practice freely and be in touch with many Chinese. In the end, they chose Canada.
They arrived in Vancouver in January 2015. They were happy to see so many Chinese. “I very much want to let my new Chinese friends know that they should get to know Falun Dafa on their own, independent of the communist propaganda. Don’t be deceived by the Chinese Communist Party that persecutes innocent people for its own political gain,” Mohammad said.
The Esmaeili’s feel certain that, just as predestined connections brought them to the practice and together on the journey, their move to Vancouver will facilitate many more predestined encounters with Chinese who are yearning to learn the truth about Falun Dafa.


【明慧网二零一五年四月五日】(明慧记者王枚温哥华报道)玛赫纳兹(Mahnaz)和先生穆罕默德(Mohammad Esmaeili)来自伊朗,不久前移民到加拿大,目前落户在温哥华。他们为自己能成为法轮大法修炼者而无比自豪。对法轮大法的热爱,使他们对传出大法的东方神州和那块土地上的中国人也充满了深深的情意。那么这两位远在中东的学者是如何走进大法修炼的呢?

玛赫纳兹和先生穆罕默德都可以说是有所成就的学者,在社会上有相当的知名度。玛赫纳兹在印度读完心理学博士,回到伊朗后,在伊朗西蒙大学(Semnan university)任教,多次参加国际会议,在会议上发表学术论文。
向民众讲真相 揭露中共活摘器官
[VIDEO] 连环画音像片:评江泽民与中共相互利用迫害法轮功

Friday, April 17, 2015

Chinese Woman Sentenced for Demanding to Visit Imprisoned Father

By Leo Timm, Epoch Times | April 17, 2015
Standing in front of the prison Bian Xiaohui holds a banner that says “I want to see my father” on March 3, 2014.
Chinese authorities sentenced Bian Xiaohui to over three years in prison after being arrested in March 2014. She was trying to see her jailed father.
Her father, Bian Lichao, has been serving a 12-year sentence in Shijiazhuang Prison since 2012 for practicing Falun Gong, a traditional meditation discipline persecuted in mainland China since 1999.
Police had rejected Bian’s daughter’s requests to visit him.
Bian Xiaohui, from the northern province of Hebei, was detained by Chinese authorities a week after she began holding up a sign outside Shijiazhuang Prison saying “I want to see my father.”
Joining Bian’s silent protest was her aunt Chen Yinghua, who took a photo of her holding the banner. The photo and news reached Minghui.org, a website run by overseas Falun Gong practitioners that documents the persecution.
Chen, who also practices Falun Gong, was arrested along with Bian Xiaohui. Zhou Xiuzhen, Bian Xiaohui’s mother and wife of Bian Lichao, was detained as well. She was tried at a district court in the city of Tangshan and accused of publishing messages about her husband’s arrest and sentencing.
Bian Lichao and his wife Zhou Xiuzhen (Minghui)
Charged with undermining the law, Bian and Chen went through two sham trials in August and December 2014. Eventually, Bian was sentenced to three and a half years in prison, while her aunt received four years. Minghui.org reports the sentencing was done “recently.” Information about cases the regime regards as sensitive can be very difficult to get out of China.
Only two family members of Bian and Chen were allowed to attend the first trial, and their attorneys were strictly restricted in their arguments and statements. The second trial was held in secret without informing the family members or defense attorneys. 
Chen’s parents, who are Canadian citizens, requested that the Canadian consul in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, attend the trial to represent them. The court rejected the consul visiting.  
Chen Yinghua, Bian Xiaohui's aunt. (Minghui)
Bian’s lawyer, Jiang Yuanmin, said that he would “definitely appeal” the verdict, according to a report by New York-based New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD).
“It’s already a grievance that [Bian’s] father was sentenced to prison for practicing Falun Gong,” said Chen Shizhong, a human rights activist in the United States, in an interview with NTD Television. “She is not a Falun Gong practitioner, and neither has she participated in any Falun Gong activities.”
Bian Xiaohui’s devotion to her father went viral on the Chinese Internet, with many users praising her as a filial daughter and a “modern incarnation of Tiying,” a woman from the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.–A.D. 220) famous for saving her father from torture at the hands of authorities. From the time of her protest in March 2014 through December, about 20,000 users followed Bian’s social media account daily.
Ms. Bian Xiaohui surrounded by police in front of Shijiazhuang Prison before being arrested (Minghui)
The spiritual practice of Falun Gong is based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, and, after its introduction in 1992, rapidly became  immensely popular in China, with an estimated 70 million to 100 million practitioners.
In 1999, Jiang Zemin, the head of the Chinese Communist Party began a campaign to eradicate the practice. Jiang feared how many people were practicing Falun Gong and the attractiveness of its teachings to the Chinese people.
Bian’s aunt, Chen Yinghua, has been on hunger strike during her detention, and is currently in critical condition, according to her lawyers. On April 14, Chen’s father, Chen Zhiming, traveled to Shijiazhuang to visit his daughter. He was also rejected by the prison.